harmonize warrior Tag

Warrior in the Night album review by the Greek Metal Hammer magazine

"Warrior in the Night" has been reviewed in the new issue of the Greek Metal Hammer magazine! (metalhammer.gr) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di2r15H_rr4 ...


1)      Hello guys! A great honor to host you. You are one of the best metal bands from Cyprus! How are you? Ha ha! Thank you very much. We are doing alright. At the moment we are working on new material. 2)      First of all, how do you feel about the label “power metal”. We definitely relate to the term power metal, although we incorporate more genres in our sound, thus we can’t necessarily state that we are solely a power metal band. 3)      You released “Warrior In The Night" a few weeks ago. Are you happy about the first feedback? Feedback has been great so far. People seem to have really enjoyed our debut album so far. Reviews have...

Interview & Review From Metal Hammer Portugal

The album: “Warrior in the Night” is our debut album. It is just a presentation to our world, to our sound and to the history that we develop. In short, it can be described as a power metal album, with traces of heavy metal from the 80's and extreme influences. It tells the story of our warrior in an epic way. We want to reach out to the metalheads and invite them to join us on our journey, we want to see people interacting, feeling deeply or being touched by history and music. However, even perplexing reactions are welcome, as there is much more to discover and our aim is not to...


Hi, In Belgium and the Netherlands we are in lockdown due to covid19/corona. How is the situation in Cyprus? I guess this virus is not doing any good to a country that depends somehow on tourism?  You are absolutely right. Cyprus' main pride economically is the influx of tourists every year. Lockdown means that this would have to wait longer. At the moment the government is imposing new measures with early evening curfew hours, keeping the 'mask at all times' and social distancing measures as well. Artists are also primarily affected by the pandemic and measures, however when there's a will there's a way, hence we are motivated and productive. Without the virus, would Harmonize...

HIGHWIRE DAZE – Interview with George Constantinou

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in HARMONIZE, and how long the band has been together. I'm George Constantinou and I play rhythm guitar. I also write and compose songs with the rest of the band. I founded Harmonize in 2012 but I happen to be the only original member in the band. We've been active since but only now were we truly ready to release our debut album. Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there? We are currently based in Cyprus. To be honest our local music scene doesn't look like much at the moment, due to the pandemic. A small metal community-as Cyprus...

Breathing The Core – HARMONIZE about Warrior in the Night

Behind The Artworks: Harmonize - Warrior In The Night (2020) It was our plan to have the warrior in the night as the cover art for our album. A figure seen on many metal covers, heard about in many metal songs. However, we wanted to give him his own story. Remedy Art Design is the man behind the artwork. He captured the elements of the warrior that convey his true nature. The last man standing tall, just like a lone wolf, wounded but reckless about to march forth on his epic journey. These epic and fantasy fiction elements were so vividly conveyed by Giannis Nakos (Remedy Art), for all of the characters of...

Warrior in the Night album review by Metal Underground

With HARMONIZE we are dealing with another troop from the island state of Cyprus. The Heavy / Thrash / Power Metal faction from Nicosia has been active since 2012 but is only now delivering their debut album with "Warrior in the Night" . The triumvirate of genre elements is actually well mixed, although the listener will find that the Cypriots are in the traditional heavy corner. The sound edges were provided with Thrashisgen fragments and this is immediately apparent on the first track "Never Back Down" . Doesn't mean that we are dealing with a definite retro troupe in the form of HARMONIZE . The lessons were certainly intus, but in contrast, they...

Warrior in the Night album review in Scream metal Magazine

"Warrior in the Night" has been reviewed in the new issue of the Norwegian Scream Metal Magazine! https://www.screammagazine.com/ (screammagazine.com) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2mOojGM-pM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV9bUCrs4V0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR6xmgxuKfQ ...

Warrior in The Night Review by Metal Temple

HARMONIZE are a Power Thrash Metal Band from Nicosia, Cyprus. You don’t hear much about any band from the Republic of Cyprus, an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean. This band was formed back in 2012 and this is their first album. Sozos Michael, the lead singer used to be one of the vocalists of HELION PRIME, a band I previously reviewed for Metal Temple a few years back. I have to say that the beginning of the title track really reminded me of ‘’Intro to Reality’’ by ANTHRAX on the ‘’Persistence of Time’’ album, that was my first thought. It’s not a bad thing at all, the slow pace and the intro...

Interview with Felipe Frazão (Brazil)

TC 1: Can you introduce the band to us? Harmonize: We are Harmonize, a heavy metal band from Cyprus formed in 2012. Giorgos Constantinou, is the band's founder and base guitarist. Lambros Apousianas is the solo guitarist and Panagiotis Takkides the bass. Harrys Peratikas is the drummer for the band and Sozos Michael our vocalist. TC -2 : What would you like to say about the composition work on Warrior in The Night? Harmonize: Warrior in the Night is our first album to come out on October 2nd. It is based on the story we are developing and features one of many characters. We believe that composition can be intriguing to listeners, as each song has its own style, which makes...