george constantinou Tag

HIGHWIRE DAZE – Interview with George Constantinou

Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in HARMONIZE, and how long the band has been together. I'm George Constantinou and I play rhythm guitar. I also write and compose songs with the rest of the band. I founded Harmonize in 2012 but I happen to be the only original member in the band. We've been active since but only now were we truly ready to release our debut album. Where is the band based out of and what is your local music scene like there? We are currently based in Cyprus. To be honest our local music scene doesn't look like much at the moment, due to the pandemic. A small metal community-as Cyprus...

Breathing The Core – Interview with George Constantinou

Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? Years ago, I came across the Greek band Disharmony, a great band with a very intriguing name. Having seen them live, I really enjoyed their performance. We then flirted with the idea of the word harmony and its deeper meaning. Harmony, balance and team spirit are themes relating to the concept of our work. It may not make sense now. But it shall eventually. Why did you want to play this genre? Initially the band begun playing heavy and thrash metal. These were our influences at the time. However, the band eventually came up with material...

Iron Backstage – Interview with George Constantinou from Harmonize

Hi Harmonize! What's the meaning of your band’s title? What's the origin of that name? Have you changed the band's name before? When I saw the Greek band Disharmony, live when the opened the show for Arch enemy in Cyprus, I remember how intrigued I was by the name. I then took the word harmony and played with it. Since the band was formed, we remained as Harmonize. It is about restoring the balance between light and darkness. What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences? Also, what can you tell us about "Warrior in the Night"? We used to consider our work to be thrash & power metal, but we...

Harmonize New Lineup

2019 Harmonize Harmonize new Lineup We would like to announce the addition of our new vocalist and our new lead guitarist. Please welcome Sozos Michael & Lambros Apousianas into our kingdom! You will hear more about us and our new album soon! Current Band Members: Guitars: George Constantinou & Lambros Apousianas Vocals: Sozos Michael Bass: Panagiotis Takkides Drums: Harrys Peratikas ...