harmonize band Tag

Warrior In The Night Review by Musipedia of Metal

Harmonize: Warrior In The Night (Self Released) [Lucas Tuckwood] Today did descend upon me an armour-clad fellow brandishing a ridiculously long sword, his hair blowing in the wind. Shining in his hand was…. a CD. Warrior In The Night by Harmonize to be specific, lo and behold it is some wonderful power metal. Hailing from Cyprus, these obscure headbangers have been at the grindstone since 2012, keeping their swords sharp, and keeping that classic power metal spirit going, and managing to add a certain amount of spice to the age-old formula.The first several tracks are a standard power affair- you get a hefty dose of powerful, mid-tempo riffage, combined with some nice harmonising...

Harmonize – The Astonishing End (Demo 2014)

After the release of The Astonishing End demo the band was recognized by the Cypriot audience receiving Chromium Sun Awards! The single The Astonishing End was released by Harmonize on October 4th 2014. The limited 100 album copies were sold out during the first  week of its release. Upon multiple requests a 2nd version of the album was released for 100 album copies, which were also sold out within 10 days. The album received positive feedback from many listeners and was voted as the 3rd best release of 2014 by the Cyprus Webzine Chromium Sun. On the same voting Harmonize was recognized as the 3rd best Cypriot band and the founder of the band, George, was...