harmonize fairytale Tag

Interview – Blaster Music Magazine

While they started off playing thrash metal, they gradually incorporated some power metal elements, as well as some darker elements which have shaped their signature sound to its current form. We are happy to introduce you to an amazing music band – “HARMONIZE” [BLASTER] HI, THANKS FOR YOUR TIME! HOW DID THE BAND COME TOGETHER? HARMONIZE: THANK YOU FOR HAVING US. THE BAND HAS BEEN ACTIVE SINCE 2012, AND HAS BEEN PERFORMING LIVE SINCE. OUR LINE-UP USED TO LOOK COMPLETELY DIFFERENT BACK THEN, BUT IT SEEMS THAT FATE BROUGHT OUR CURRENT LINE UP TOGETHER. GEORGE CONSTANTINOU HAS KNOWN EVERYONE FOR A LONG TIME AND EACH ONE OF US HAS THEIR OWN SPECIAL STORY AS TO...