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Message From HARMONIZE – 2021 Overview
Fellow Warriors,
Another year gone by,
A relatively difficult year, considering we weren’t able to perform live due to the pandemic restrictions.
Since we haven’t been able to see you face to face and since many of our projects have been cancelled or postponed, we managed to figure out alternative ways to reach you.
We collaborated with NWOTHM Full Albums Youtube Page, and therefore we are thankful to the admins who have included Warrior In The Night in their playlist and everybody else who left positive comments for our album, and the many views gathered from the video.
Although we did not play live, we took part in Ride to Rock Festival, an innovative and alternative music festival from Brazil, which took place online and featured metal bands from all over the world, including Harmonize, hence we would like to thank RTR Records for this!
Otherwise we tried to stay connected with you by posting short playthroughs shared on our social media.
This was a year in which we did not publish any new tracks, but lo and behold, we produced our very own Honey Mead called, ‘The First’. In true metal fashion of someone who enjoys their drink, local Cypriot metalheads supported us by purchasing several bottles to the extent that we were sold out and we respect that!
Wishing to keep you updated about the process of our upcoming album, we continue to share stories and posts on our social media during its composition. Just to let you in on a secret, we have about seven tracks completed for the second album. Although there’s a massive amount of work to be done, we must admit we are very thrilled with what we have so far and can’t wait to share it with you soon, when it’s all nice and neat.
Additionally we would like to thank every local and international magazine and webzine for the reviews and interviews that they continue to write about us.
As does any year, so did this one come with its own disasters. The wildfires in Europe hit close to home, literally, and you chose to help Greece’s affected by purchasing Harmonize merch, so thank you for being part of this cause.
2021 was also a year of many important announcements.
Harmonize frontman, Sozos Michael, was not only working hard to write and produce Planeswalker’s album, but he was also officially proclaimed Gloryhammer’s new lead singer, with whom he has completed a UK tour this past month.
Our drummer Harris Peratikas and his black metal band Temple Of Evil, have released their absolutely intense new album ‘Apolytrosis’.
You could call this past year creative for everyone, despite the hardships we all faced in this new era of covid, which has had an impact on the health system, the economy and the population’s mental state.
We didn’t manage to see you in 2021 but hopefully we will get to see you at our scheduled lives in 2022, soon to be announced.
What you should know is that we plan to take you on an epic journey with us, to discover the Prophecy, to meet new characters, see the Warrior’s army, fight against the Establishment, pay respects to the Dragon Matriarch and fly on fire breathing beasts. We will do anything to bring this story to life for you. Your support is essential in order for this to happen, as proven this past year. You give us fuel to create a new universe, a story and music. You can stream our album on all digital platforms and check out our merch in our online shop.
So what should you expect from us this new year? Lives? Singles? A new album? New collaborations? Projects? A new image? Stay tuned to learn everything this year holds for the Harmonize Family.
Until then,
Stay True, stay Metal and March forward!
PS. 2022 Will Be Epic.